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- Administrative RecordsThe following Fonds/Series are included in the subordinate position hierarchy of this Fonds/Series.
Cabinet Secretariat
Cabinet Legislation Bureau
Cabinet/Prime Minister's Office
National Personnel Authority
Cabinet Office
Transferred Records from the Reconstruction Agency in 2015
Economic Planning Agency
Okinawa Development Agency Records
Imperial Household Agency
Japan Fair Trade Commission
( Total number of fonds:59 ) - Judicial RecordsThe following Fonds/Series are included in the subordinate position hierarchy of this Fonds/Series.
Judicial Administrative Records
Original Records of Civil Actions
Original Records of Civil Actions transferred from National Universities
Records of Criminal Cases
Records of the Court-martials
( Total number of fonds:5 ) - Corporate RecordsThe following Fonds/Series are included in the subordinate position hierarchy of this Fonds/Series.
National Archives of Japan
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center
Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry(RIETI)
Public Foundation for Peace and consolation
Information-technology Promotion Agency
Urban Renaissance Agency.
Wakayama University
Japan Housing Finance Ageny
Japan National Tourism Organization
( Total number of fonds:27 ) - Donated/Deposited RecordsThe following Fonds/Series are included in the subordinate position hierarchy of this Fonds/Series.
( Total number of fonds:48 )- 佐藤朝生関係文書
- 西園寺公望関係文書
- 新井裕関係文書
- 佐藤達夫関係文書
- 馬場常治関係文書
- 中島明二関係文書
- 小林俊三旧蔵資料
- 岩倉規夫関係文書
- 天岡直嘉旧蔵文書
- 高橋喜太郎旧蔵文書
- 井手成三関係文書
- 伊藤増男関係文書
- 福間敏矩旧蔵文書
- 稲田周一手記
- 栗山廉平関係文書
- 横溝光暉関係文書
- 永桶由雄関係文書
- 石島庸男旧蔵文書
- 高辻正己関係文書
- 高崎親章関係文書
- 佐藤榮作関係文書
- 竹下登旧蔵文書
- 鈴木善幸関係文書
- 大村梅雄旧蔵書
- 小杉煕・醇旧蔵書
- 光吉元次郎旧蔵書
- KDDI旧蔵文書
- 岩松五良関係文書
- 富田栄太郎所蔵文書
- 下重直樹所蔵文書
- 寺内能之所蔵文書
- Japanese Company Records formerly held by the National Archives of AustraliaThe following Fonds/Series are included in the subordinate position hierarchy of this Fonds/Series.
Araki & Co.
Kiku Gumi
Okura Trading
John Mitchell & Co.
Iida & Co.
Japan Cotton Trading Company
Nosawa & Co.
Mitsui Bussan Kaisha
Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha
Yano & Joko
( Total number of fonds:13 ) - 梅津美治郎関係文書
- 一般財団法人HKD旧蔵文書
- インターアクション・カウンシル関係文書
- 楠田實旧蔵文書
- 枢密院事務関係文書
- 藤田稔旧蔵文書
- 村丸徳一旧蔵文書
- 飯島稔旧蔵文書
- 全国樺太連盟旧蔵文書
- 有田八郎関係文書
- 飯田家旧蔵文書
- 南弘日記
- 野田卯一日誌
- 上松徹所蔵文書
- 矢野機関係文書
- New Donated/Deposited RecordsThe following Fonds/Series are included in the subordinate position hierarchy of this Fonds/Series.
( Total number of fonds:3 )
- Cabinet LibraryThe following Fonds/Series are included in the subordinate position hierarchy of this Fonds/Series.
Japanese Books and Classics
Chinese Classics
Western Books
( Total number of fonds:3 )
Fonds/Series information
- Title
- New Donated/Deposited Records
- Hierarchy
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- この資料群には、令和5年度に受け入れ、新規公開した寄贈・寄託文書の情報が登載され…