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- Drawings of Air-raid damaged Sites of 1945
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- Drawings of Air-raid damaged Sites of 1945
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Drawings of Air-raid damaged Sites of 1945
Drawings of Air-raid damaged sites of major cities in Japan was prepared in December, 1945, by Records Department of First Demobilization Ministry to notify outline of Air-raid damage to repatriates. The foreword of the document mentions the importance of this survey and necessity of making quick adjustment after finding that the first question asked by repatriating military personnel and civilian employees of the military landing on Japanese shores was generally about Air-raid damage.
- Select the region:Hokkaido
- Select the region:Tohoku
- Select the region:Kanto
- Select the region:Chubu
- Select the region:Kinki
- Select the region:Chugoku
- Select the region:Shikoku
- Select the region:Kyusyu
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Otsu
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Hikone
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Nagahama
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Yujiyamada
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Matsusaka
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Kuwana
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Tsu
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Suzuka
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Yokkaichi
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Nara
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Maiduru
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Kyoto
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Osaka
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Sakai
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Kishiwada
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Ikeda
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Suita
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Fuse
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Takatsuki
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Itami
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Tanabe
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Kainan
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Wakayama
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Shingu
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Amagasaki
Drawing of Air-Raid Damaged Site of Kobe
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Shikama
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Aioi
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Asahi
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Nishinomiya
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Ashiya
Drawings of Air-Raid damaged Sites of Himeji