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- Dai Nihon Kaigan jissokuzu
Dai Nihon Kaigan jissokuzu
A collection of copperplate marine charts made in the early Meiji period. The Meiji government instituted the Hydrographic Section of the Navy Division of the Department of Military Affairs in the Tsukiji district of Tokyo in the 4th year of Meiji( 1871). In 1872, survey by Japanese themselves, in the port of Kamaishi in Rikuchu Province (present-day Miyagi Prefecture). Yanagi Narayoshi (1832 - 1891), hailed from the Tu clan, and was appointed to serve as the first director of the Hydrographic Department, which was established in a reorganization of the administrative setup in the 19th year of Meiji(1886). In one corner of the charts are noted items including position (latitude and longitude), tidal range, and the names of the survey team members. The collection contains charts that were made in the years up to and including 1878.Owing to differences of size, a single page contains more than one chart in some cases. In the original collection, a single page measures 53 cm by 69 cm, and a two-page spread, 106 cm by 69 cm. The thirtieth entry in the table of contents (Oshima Kamise Supplementary Chart) is contained on the same page as the ninth entry (Sazara Harbor, Ise Province). In some cases, the actual order in the binding is different from that in the table of contents.
Map of All Japan
No. 95. Published in 1878.
Coast of Kushunkotan
No. 28. The survey was conducted in 1873.
Eastern part of Hokkaido
No. 93. The surveying age is unidentified. Besides the four northern island groups of Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan, and Habomai, the chart shows the island of Uruppu. Hitokappu Bay and other anchorages on Etorofu are printed on the upper left, and Shakotan Bay of Shikotan and the port of Nemuro and other points in Hokkaido, opposite the northern islands, on the lower right.
Notsuke anchorage
No. 2. The survey was conducted in 1871.
Goyomai channel
No. 8. The survey was conducted in 1871.
Nemuro anchorage
No. 20. The survey was conducted in 1871.
Sutts harbour
No. 4. The survey was conducted in 1871.
Otaru bay
No. 5 The survey was conducted in 1871.
Fukushima bay
No. 69. The survey was conducted in 1874.
Port Ando
No. 36. The survey was conducted in 1874.
Noheji anchorage
No. 37. The survey was conducted in 1874.
Ohataura no ezu
No. 38. The survey was conducted in 1874.
Aomori anchorage
No. 52. The survey was conducted in 1874.
Mimmaya bay
No. 70. The survey was conducted in 1874.
Kamaishi bay
No. 1. The survey was conducted from the Kasuga in 1871. Longitude and latitude were measured at one location. The scale is 1/36,000, and depth is indicated in "hiro" (1 hiro = about 1.8 meters). Mountains are rendered in a magnificent hachure style.
Sketch of Oduchi bay
No. 99. The surveying age is unidentified.
Miyako bay
No. 3. The survey was conducted in 1871.
The skecth of Ishinomaki bay
No. 81. The surveying age is unidentified. The same chart also shows the Ishihama, Tomei, and Orinohama anchorages.
Gulf of Tokyo, sheet 1
No. 90. The surveying age is unidentified.
Gulf of Tokyo, sheet 2
No. 90. The surveying age is unidentified.
Gulf of Tokyo, sheet 3
No. 90. The surveying age is unidentified.
Uraga harbour
No. 91. The survey was conducted in 1875.
Enoshima anchorage and the coast of Kamakura
No. 86 (Yenoshima Anchorage) is based on a survey conducted in 1876.
Coajiro habour
No. 87. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Entrance of Tokyo bay from Kannonsaki to Koshiba
No. 47. The survey was conducted in 1873.
Izu peninsura form Ajiro harbour to Cape Manazuru
No. 88. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Ports of Mera dand Coura
No. 82. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Ports of Tago and Arari
No. 84. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Heda harbour
No. 85. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Izu peninsura from Irousaki to Tsumegisaki
No. 96. The surveying age is unidentified.
Shimoda harbour
No. 7. The survey was conducted in 1876 and revised in 1879.
Simizu harbour
No. 89. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Bay of Yenoura
No. 92. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Sazara harbour Province of Ise / Oshima Kamise hosoku no zu
No. 11 (Sazara Harbour, Ise Province) was published in 1872. It is not clear when No. 62 (Oshima Kamize Supplementary Chart) was conducted in 1873.
Fukuura bay
No. 77. The survey was conducted in 1875.
Uwajima bay
No. 68. The survey was conducted in 1875, and the chart was published in 1877.
The skecth of Tainoura
No. 72. The surveying age is unidentified.
The skecth of Wakamatsu ura
No. 73. The surveying age is unidentified.
Itsuhara and Azu harbours
No. 63. The survey was conducted in 1875.
Ajiro bay
No. 64. The survey was conducted in 1875.
Saigo harbour
No. 107. The survey was conducted in 1878.
No. 66. The survey was conducted in 1875.
Sketch of Inokusi harbour
No. 94. The surveying age is unidentified.
Hayasaki channel
No. 104. The survey was conducted in 1878.
Yamagawa harbour in the province of Satsuma
No. 12. The survey was conducted in 1872.
Bay of Kuchi Yerabu island and Ichiko port of Yakushima island, in Osumi
No. 25. The survey was conducted in 1873.
Gulf of Kagoshima
No.26. The survey was conducted in 1872.
Strait of Amami-Oshima
No. 35. The survey was conducted in 1873.
Oshima Nazeko habour
No. 29. The survey was conducted in 1873.
Ryukyu islands
No. 34. surveyed in 1873. In addition, the Kerama channel and the ports of Unten and Sesoko are printed on the upper left, and the port of Naha, on the lower right.
Port Unten in Ryukyu
No. 18. The survey was conducted in 1873.
Naha Port in Ryukyu
No. 19. The survey was conducted in 1873.
Ryukyu Yaeyama islands and Ishigaki anchorage
No. 17 (Liu Kiu Yaeyama Islands) and No. 23 (Ishigaki Anchorage in Yaeyama Islands) was surveyed in 1873
Kerama channel
No. 24. The survey was conducted in 1873.
The skecth of Cheimurupo anchorage
No. 71. The surveying age is unidentified.
The skecth of Shuntempo
No. 67. The surveying age is unidentified.
The skecth of Chokumi bay
No. 74. The surveying age is unidentified.
The skecth of Chosan anchorage
No. 75. The surveying age is unidentified.
The skecth of Kahairio
No. 76. The surveying age is unidentified.
The skecth of Kiosei island and Kansan sea
No. 78. The surveying age is unidentified.
The skecth of Olbee island
No. 79. The survey was conducted in 1876.
Sketch of Tariangdou narrows and Uguchen bay
No. 98. The surveying age is unidentified.
Pusan harbour
No. 60. The surveying age is unidentified.
Entrance of Shoal gulf
No. 100. The survey was conducted in 1878.
No. 101. The surveying age is unidentified.
Shinpo ancharage, Broughton bay, Tokion bay
No. 102. The survey was conducted in 1878.